A collection of art and design interviews
Created by students enrolled in Publication Design (GRDE 305-01) at Columbia College Chicago.
Students were given the task of researching the various artists and designers from a selection of former Columbia College Chicago students who are working alumni. Since some of the students were not native to Chicago, it started with a list of the professor's former students through LinkedIn. The list grew to cover as many firms and studios as we researched through an online search finding contact information [urls, emails, addresses, phones, etc.]. The students selected the artist or designer whose work they admired. Once the initial contact was made via an introduction email, the artists or designers were interviewed. Students were to design two double-page spreads to total a four-page layout. Layouts were created in Adobe InDesign file formats.
All students were to design their own front and back covers (inside and outside), table of contents (one double-page spread), biography pages (2 double-page spreads), and their interview pages (2 double-page spreads).

For this project I took on a leadership role of being the head photographer. I offered my services to take pictures for others in the class but my main job was taking portraits of everyone for the staff layout pages.

For my interview I reached out to a local teacher and illustrator at Columbia College Chicago, Andera Bell. She gave wonderful incites to the industry and how to keep your head above water in school. Because Andera uses a specific color range in her work I wanted to incorporate that in design of the layout.

For the cover of the magazine I wanted to use one of Columbia's most recognizable buildings, the student center. I chose this building because it is the one place that no matter the major the student is in knows and has been in.